Of late I have been having issues either finding shows and galleries to submit to or with being rejected from the few that I have found. This is sort of the nature of the beast, but a lot of my friends around me have been quite successful lately. I am very pleased for them, but it also makes me want my own stuff all the more. This probably sounds like pure jealousy, but I think of it more like confirmation that that is also what I should be doing. I have, however, realized that some of the work that htey are doing and the shows that they are submitting to are NOT the shows that I should be submitting to, which is a major step for me. Historically I have accepted everything that anyone wants to let me do. This, I am realizing, is not a very good idea. And so I have been working on my commission. It is 7 months in. I need to finish it. I will share a better image tomorrow. My friend let me borrow a camera to replace the one I lost via 5 finger discount.
The goal is to finish this panel by the end of the week. This is definitely a realistic goal. Hopefully I can finish one panel a week. It would be great to get this bad boy out of my house and into my buddy Orlando’s place. Til then.