
Ben Harper – Live From Mars 2 AM Update

I told you folks yesterday that I would give you a block update.  Apparently all kinds of folks wanted to hang out with me tonight, because several friends texted me to come out and hang out, so I obliged.  Even the hardest working man in the art world ( that was a James Brown reference, and not, I repeat not, me being cocky ) must take a break sometime, so you get an update at 2 am.  That is ok, because I get to listen to Ben Harper’s live album while I do so, and it is awesome if you haven’t listened to it.

I have been very busy putting together blocks, drawing pipes, painting the negative space.  It is taking a while.  I am getting quicker with the process, and the studio assistant has been a gigantic help.  She is awesome.  I can’t speak well enough for her.  Hopefully she is getting as much out of the process as I am.

It is amazing for me to think about this project.  It is so big in comparison to the things that I usually put together, and I am really grateful to have both the venue that will support this type of project, and the time to be able to put together something that is so thoroughly planned.  Usually my work does not get to this level.  And so, I am incredibly excited.

Here are a couple updates of the blocks.

I have gotten so the drawing itself does not take long all.  I want to do a video of me cross-hatching one of these blocks so you can get an idea of what it is like.  On the other hand, painting the negative space takes a bit.  I have a pretty steady hand, but not that steady.  I suppose it is a learning process and a honing of skills.  It is great fun either way.

I also put together the piece in the Vertical Pipes series for my chef this week.  I have to remember to mail this out tomorrow.  I am terrible at doing things on time.  I also have to pull together a Valentine tomorrow morning because apparently I have someone dropping by to purchase a couple.  Rad.

 This second piece was just for fun.  I was cleaning my studio today and found a floppy disc that I had originally found while out taking a walk with my friend Russ.  It seemed so random and I thought to myself that I had to make a piece out of it.  I love it.  It is rare that I get to do something off the cuff and intuitive as this these days. 

I hope you dig the new stuff.  I am very pleased with it on the whole.  Let me know what you think, and have an awesome day too!!  Until then.


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