
New Promos!

Today I picked up my new promos to send to Hire an Illustrator and to some various clients on my own. I’m very excited to have new promotional material. I think that it has actually been since college that I have had any made, and that was six years ago now!

So here they are. I realize now that I am just looking at them from a viewer point rather than a design point that maybe they should be edited, but it is a good first effort in a long time. Hope you like them!

Hopefully these work and I get a ton of illustration work out of them right?


Birdie Family Portraits

Susan Schwake asked me to put together some small bird portraits as a sort of preview into my show “Dwellings” at Art Stream studios in October. I think that they came out pretty well. The show itself is coming along. I am still very into the hand drawn type, but I need to get more of my ideas out and on boards so I can paint different pieces simultaneously. I always do better with a multitude of canvases in front of me.

I have also been working pretty steadily on the Mighty Lark Web Comic. That is a very exciting project for me because I have always been into comics, and wanted to draw comics but have never had the confidence in my drawing to actually make a comic. But thanks to Big Illustration Party Time and Art & Story Podcasts, I have started to relax a little and just have some fun, and the work is not really disappointing me in the least. I think maybe I just needed to take the plunge and then everything comes together.

I have been talking with Mike McGee about maybe doing some writing for it, or maybe some other funny writer. I can make the Mighty Lark look like he is doing pretty much anything but I am a little less confident about the story that I have brewing in my head. Though maybe that is the same type of thing. Maybe I just need to jump in and it will be ok too.

At least I have a plot planned out. I will be posting on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays starting tomorrow night. I was doing a daily comic, but I found that a.) it was all of the work that I was able to get done in a day sometimes, and b.) I was not able to put the amount of time into the drawings that I wanted to put into it.

I would like for the writing to eventually be along a Calvin and Hobbes sort of level. I.E. One big adventure comic, followed by some three panel gag strips.

I have also been given a complete profile at Hire an Illustrator. I am trying to make something of an illustration career now, since I have pretty much avoided my degree for the past six years. I am excited about this opportunity because I can see what it is like to be represented and hopefully I can get some cool Illustration gigs out of it.

Well, I should stop blabbing and get some work done on my show now, but it’s been a while, and I had news. Life is good. I’ll be back soon.



New Paintings and a New Project

The past couple days have been very productive. I have stopped looking for a job in Minneapolis as there is only about three more weeks to my stay here anyway. Were I to take a job I would just have to leave shortly anyway. So I have decided to devote my whole time to my show for Artstream studios, art projects for me, and my newest venture, a web comic.

I have wanted to do a web comic for a long time. Actually I have wanted to do a comic for a long time to begin with. I remember trying to put one together for my high school paper, but I never thought that I was funny enough. Now I am not sure how funny I necessarily am, but I realize a lot of the problem that I had was actually the drawing and not being able to carry a character from panel to panel. I’ve decided to tackle that and to try to tackle it on a daily basis at that. So far I have done the Mighty Lark Web Comic three days in a row. Hopefully there will be one tomorrow too.

Yesterday I also finished two paintings and started two more. It has been incredibly productive vibes going on here in the Lewis Acrylics studio.

I had actually started this painting before I moved but it still had quite a ways to go. I think I will be sending it out to the Blue Bottle in Seattle. We’ll see if they are interested. They generally seem to be my center for Mighty Lark sales.

The next piece I finished was just a small one for my Etsy store.

It’s tiny. Only 2.5″ square, but if you are interested in some small owl art for your home and you want to help out a guy who is supporting his move all over the country then stop over to the Etsy shop and grab it while you can.

It looks like I am going to have some more stuff to post tomorrow too. So keep posted. And please let me know what you think of the web comic. I am really trying to expand my drawing ability with that.

Everybody have and awesome friday. I’ll be back soon.


I Live in a Shanty

My show at ArtStream Studios is really starting to come together. Funny. All I really had to do was start working on it and it really all came together. I am becoming obsessed with typography in my projects. I think I always had this tendency but now my typography is becoming A.) more legible, and B.) more creative.

I am trying to make type out of all different kinds of things. This piece is obviously not done, but I think will be done this evening. It has gone incredibly fast. Fast like when I was in my senior year of college and didn’t have to do a thing in the world but paint fast.

There is more to come. And I haven’t figured out every angle of “Dwelling” that I want to touch on and pursue, but since I’ve started coming up with these pieces that has felt a lot more refreshing and less entrapping than it did before.

The past couple weeks I have also been trying to work out a logo project for a company here in Minneapolis. It is going slow. Sometimes I think to myself that they would be better off finding a graphic designer, but I feel like I should be able to wrap my head around this project and get it to a good point as well.

Here are two of the sketches that I came up with today. They are not perfect but they are at least starting to steer away from what I was told and more down the path of fitting a project into my head. I mean to say that, when a person asks for a design, they will tell you what they like and what they expect. As a designer or illustrator it is your job to give them that, but also to take what they say and spin it on its head so that you come up with something new and cool. I hadn’t started thinking like that until very recently so hopefully I have some better ideas on the horizon..

I’ve got a lot of work to do. It’s time to get back at it. I will keep you all posted on what is going on though.

til then.


My Home in the Trees

I did a sketch of this piece a while ago in a very small moleskine that I was working in at the Village Pizza. I loved that original sketch but have really been wanting to do something more with this idea. I either wanted to make it into a t-shirt or into a new painting or both.

Since I’ve had my epiphany with the Artstream Studios Dwellings show though, I’ve realized that several of these would work out really well and be a really cool option. It also serves as an excellent opportunity to use more hand-drawn type, which I’ve been into ever since I have been in contact with Racheal Anilyse. You should check out her typography. It’s amazing.

I intend to get a couple more sketches up this week, this is actually the almost complete drawing on board.
Soon I’ll be painting this sucker up.

Keep in touch folks, let me know what you think, and if you are in NH be planning on attending the show at Artstream Studios. It is going to be awesome.



TLO Poster – Color Finals

Today I spent the majority of my day working on the color finals of the The Lights Out poster coming up for next week. Hopefully the band is into one of the two color options that I sent them. If not, I’m going to have to pull something together by the end of the week, and noticeably we are halfway there.

I have two color versions for the band to pick from so far. The first is more my color scheme but I did most of the painting digitally, so I don’t know if it works as well on a psd canvas as it does on an actual canvas. The second, I really was trying to emphasize the drawing. There is a part of me that feels like I should actually paint this in acrylics, but then I will be up all night tonight as well.

I don’t know, what do you folks think?

This has been an awesome project to work on, and the guys from the band just have super good things to see. It is nice to work with a positive group of guys who seem genuinely excited to make suggestions.

I’ve also been contacted this week about being represented by Hai! (Hire an Illustrator), an office based out of London. It is operated by the same man who operates the Little Chimp Society. I have not decided yet whether to be represented or not, but it is still very nice to even be considered. I am fairly certain that I will go with them. It would be nice to reach a broader audience with my work and with my illustration.

I also became a member on Illustration Mundo, which is a website that started in Brazil. It holds a huge database of illustrators, a very nice selection of artists if you want to check it out. Also if you give me comments or say that you like my work via the site my rating increases. So if you want to show your support, you can do that here.

I hope you folks are all enjoying the sun today. After I finished my two poster selections today I have been sitting in the sun and loving this weather. Now it is off to go cook for some awesome ladies here in Minneapolis. I’ll be posting some sketches for the Artstream studios show tomorrow. I have some, I’ve just been lazy and haven’t uploaded them yet. Gotta enjoy summer while you’ve got it.

Y’all take care now, y’hear!


The Lights Out in Cambridge

I’ve been talking with the band The Lights Out in Boston, and I’ve decided to tackle their next show poster. They are headlining at the Middle East upstairs the 27th of August.

The band decided they really like my painting “The Crack”, so I decided to work my poster design around that painting. It really is the same kind of idea as the band name. Here it is, hope you like it.

I’ve also been piecing together work for my October show at Artstream Studios, and that is coming together well, as I am sure Susan will be happy to hear.

I’ll be posting some of that work over the weekend. I am very excited about this coming show.

Until later though.


Keep on Trucking – Truth

I managed to get my paintings together for the C.A.V.E. gallery showing today. It has been super busy here in Minneapolis. I’ve had web design, illustration and cooking to keep me employed the last two weeks. It all seems so crazy.

I think this weekend I want to take a day or at least half a day to do nothing though. I think I deserve it. We’ll see what happens, but here are the paintings:

I dig the owls. I wouldn’t even have started drawing owls if it was not for Mike Mcgee. He rocks, you should check him out.

This one is for my buddy Paul. He knows why. To all the good folks out there, and most of you are indeed good folks, take care.



Nothing But Painting Today

So here I am in the state of Minnesota and I have managed to find a part time job and some contract work as a web designer, but not a heck of a lot more than that. So today I figured out that if I finish the web work that I am contracted for this week and work the hours that I am scheduled at my part time job, that I will have plenty to cover my bills.

So, of course that led me to come home and paint for the rest of the day since I don’t start cooking until tomorrow. So the C.A.V.E. ends up with some better stuff than I thought. But I’ll be posting it all tomorrow. It is almost done.

But just for fun today, I bring you Birdy Kenievel.

Hope you like him, and check back tomorrow for the completed CAVE pieces.



“Irrigation Initiation” in Color

Today I spent some time with colors for the rock show poster. I’m pretty pleased with how it came out. It is always difficult to try to keep my cross hatching going in a digital piece but I managed to keep what I wanted to.

Check it out.

What do you think folks? Any good? I am stoked to have worked on this project. I hope that the committee will keep my design.

Keep posted for the C.A.V.E. work later tonight.
