

Two thousand nine is going to be huge year for me. Last year I was just rolling into a new state, with little identity there, and no clue how to go about life there. Now I am fully aware that New Hampshire is equally as good a state as any in the union, although that doesn’t make me wish to stay here forever, but it does allow me to create work at my former somewhat feverish pace. (some days are feverish and some days lately I’ve just had a fever)

Anyway here is the list:

2009 to do

1.) April Show at Blue Bottle

2.) Monthly Group Shows at The Hive in LA

3.) Featured Small Wall Artist The Hive, LA *date tba*

4.) Dwellings –
A show at ArtStream Studios in Rochester, NH *date tba*

5.) Submitting to art/poetry journals with Ivy Page for our collaborative pieces

6.) Submitting work to galleries like Ello in Portsmouth, NH, and making more proposals
and generally trying to pick up more work.

7.) Attempting to make a limited line of robot toys with my friend Reggie

8.) You can sleep when you’re dead.

May I note that the list is abridged, and my apologies for the lack of artwork in this post, but I wanted to show how serious this year will be for Lewis Acrylics’ notoriety. Good Luck and everyone have a good New Year.


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