
The New Lewis Acrylics Store

It has been crazy in Lewis Acrylics land. This past week I got my first two days in a row off from my day job since the 31st of January. I can’t believe that 2 months have gone by so fast, but now I’m coming down from the winter job and trying to find something until I start graduate school in June. So I thought one of the coolest ways to do that would be to put together a Google store for Lewis Acrylics. It was really easy and I’m pretty stoked about that.

If anyone wants to check out the store, there are a lot of paintings at incredibly reduced rates, and since it’s through Google Checkout you can even use a credit card and all of that jazz. You can check it out here!

I think it looks pretty slick. Hope you like it too.

In other news, I am starting to work on my plans for my summer projects at MECA. I have sent in the enrollment check so it seems final. Next thing is obviously to start sketching out the main projects.

This sketch is going to end up somehow being the centerpiece for a major show coming up that I will be working on while at school. I don’t know if you will be able to tell the grandiose nature of it from the sketch, but in my head it is all starting to come to life. Check it out, and drop me a line with your thoughts.

Well, for now, I’ve got a bunch of work to do, so I should get going and starting working on some more stuff. In the meantime, help out a starving artist and pick up a painting, and for those of you with incredibly limited budgets like mine, there are some plans for some super cheap stuff going up in the store soon too.

Til next time.

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