
Tree Plumbing

I have lost my internet connection at home for a little while, but have now figured out a schedule using my public library to update Keep On Trucking, which is good because I have a lot to share these days.

I have been working extensively on the plumbing in the trees series. A few hikes in the New Hampshire wilderness as well as a keen interest in the piping around me has honed my focus to a more earth tone approach and less busy pipework. In my observations I have noted that most pipe work is relatively limited. There is not a lot of excess pipe work. Perhaps it is the expense of materials and a matter of flow, but no matter, I have decided to carry out the same sort of structure in the piping in my trees. Trees are very efficient life forms, so I feel I should keep their piping to the point and keeping flow.

The earth tones have also allowed me to focus a little more on form and to keep the pipes feeling as if they belong to the trees. The wild color palette seems to throw the tree off from the pipes. I really don’t want this, I want the two to feel fully integrated. Here are my results for the week. Let me know what you think:

I am really pleased with the leaf life structures of the negative space in this piece. The simplicity of the branches has felt good to me as well. However, the pipework may still be a little to complicated. I am still working that out in my head.

I am much more satisfied with the leaf area in this piece. I feel the color really plays well against the drawing and with the overall yellow of the rest of the works’ ground.

I have also started working with the pipes and the universe drawings. This is still in the fledgling scale but I anticipate spending most of the summer working on this series anyway, so I am not too concerned with that. I feel that this work will be more complete when the viewer is amidst the elements in the piece. Big plans big plans.

And there you have it. I hope you like it. There is so much work to do, so I wouldn’t be surprised to find these posts a little more regular coming soon. I have a lot of small projects that I have put off that I am now finding some momentum for, so be on the lookout.

Until next time.

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