
A Change of Venue

For a little over 16 years now I’ve used Twitter, now X, to share my artwork. When I started my account that was actually the very beginning of The Mighty Lark. I had been participating in The Hive Gallery’s group shows and they had just put together a show of avatars. My paintings at that point were all birds and robots and so I decided that I wanted to create a bird avatar. It was also a bit of an homage to Kevin Cross, who at the time was creating a character called The Monkey Mod. I had a couple zines and stickers featuring that character.

At any rate, I never would have thought that a decade and a half later the moniker would still be going strong. And look, it’s now been adopted even into the name of my site, so I guess it’s not going anywhere. But with that in mind, I feel like X and I are headed in opposite directions. We’ve grown apart these last few years. Twitter was cute when there was Tweet Whales and 140 characters. It was even pretty great when Periscope came along. I’ve weathered some rough times since SpaceX Uber Rich TESLA mElonagomaniac came along, but at this point, I’m just not sure that the business that I drum up and the card talk that I get is really worth it. I’ve gotta try something different because I know my LGBTQ friends are not welcome there. I’m pretty sure my librarian friends are not welcome either.

So, if you are here and would like, welcome to a “new” old venue where I used to share a lot and where I intend to do so once again.

2 replies on “A Change of Venue”

I know the decision isn’t without consequence, particularly since many of your sales come from X. Still, it’s the right move, and I’m totally good catching you here instead.

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