This month’s Thursday Night Throwdown poster was very exciting to me. I have been wanting to push my typography skills a bit more and make them match whatever illustration I happen to be working upon at the time instead of just doing cool typography for in whatever style I please.
I already knew that I wanted to make this months poster about ice fishing beavers. My high school mascot was the Beavers, and I’ve been thinking about home a lot lately. Along with that I kind of miss regular winter weather this year. I mean, it would be nice to go snow shoeing again and at this rate it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen.
After I had drawn some ice fishing beavers I started to think about what would be appropriate to accompany them in terms of text. I determined that it would be nice to riff of some old Fur Fish and Game or Field & Stream covers because of an old stack my buddy had of his grandfather’s the last time I went home. Upon looking through a few covers online, I decided that my favorite was the old Field & Stream red and black covers. They typography is fairly simple but really cool and if I used that I could line up TNT in red. Awesome. So that is what I did and it turned out pretty awesome if I say so myself.
Let me know what you think.
There you have it. I’ve started thinking about next months and after talking to Brittany, my art director and favorite barista, I think I am going with a wild west set up, with a shoot out at high noon theme. I should be able to get in some sweet type for that.
For now I’m going to go cheer for my home state for a couple hours. Don’t yell at me all of you football hating internet people. It’s just a sport after all.