This coming Saturday, the fifth, I will have a piece up at the Hive Gallery in The May Group Show. I sent in “Cloud Cover” because the gallery director really seemed to like that piece. For those of you who haven’t seen it:
So, I just had a business card professionally printed for the first time. It came out pretty well. I am happy with it. Hopefully it helps. Let me know if you’d like one and I’ll send you one.
Meanwhile I’ve been at work in the studio a little bit more. I finished another piece in the Boob Tube series today. I think it is probably the best one to date. The birds really did it for me.
I also was working in the sketchbook today and came up with a couple things. Actually the one character is kind of old, but I like him, and I keep drawing him. Nothing wrong with a vampire bat/tv set.
The other is another bird with a stereo. Anyone who went to the Vashon Island show knows that that is one of my favorite subjects.
In other news, I just made a cd and sent it to Aardvark Art, a new company in Loveland , Colorado. They are going to be making some prints of a couple of my bird pieces and of “Cookie”, a personal favorite. I will keep you updated.
One reply on “The Hive Gallery and other Updates”
Paranoia is a Greekgod carvingthe roads that various hallucinations travel carrying their crosses of the future.I stare at the sunalone parking the cloudsin bucketfulls with my back-hoe.The grid of the sky comes downin boxes each of their three dimensionstearing awaythe giants of my life are left gaping.I take another hit of grassand contemplate whether or not Iam thirsty enough to risk human contactat the nearby convience store.It doesn’t seem worth it.My muscles are locked around meand I wonder: did I buy some bad hash?They need to get the real stuffin Europe, fuck this dehydrated alchemy of the pagan gods,move on to Christian pot, I think.And the grid reorients itself in a world held bya scaffolding that rests on nothing.4/30/0710:16am