A quick recap in how I was gifted an awesome New York Mets cassette, finished a card art piece and mailed a RAK to a collector of my handmade baseball cards.
The Story on the Scene
I’ve determined that I’m pretty well done trying to make a business of sports related artworks for people. It was no longer bringing me joy to attempt to create work on commission. That said, creating work for friends which focus on some of their favorite players or just making work of players or images that I enjoy feels a little less out of bounds.
This morning I was able to work on a Frank Selee portrait card, which was really fun. According to wikipedia, Selee was manager for both the Boston Beaneaters and the Chicago Orphans/Cubs during the late nineteenth to the early twentieth centuries. He had a heck of a stash. It puts Sam Elliott to shame.

Additionally, the same friend who had asked for the Selee card had asked me to convert his two cassettes of the New York Mets first ever radio broadcast to a digital format. I recorded both for him and when I asked if he’d like me to send the cassettes back he said that I could get rid of them because he had no way to play them. What a score, because I do! I love this old broadcast.

After finishing the Selee and hearing that I could keep the Mets broadcast I determined that I wanted to gift a small painting that I had done of Nolan Ryan a little while back and so posted it for free on Twitter. I was happy that a previous collector scooped it up. I believe that is four of my pieces that he now owns. I’m quite proud of this one as well.

The method is all in the intention. I appreciate the act of giving. I am so pleased with how my cassette collection is developing and even more pleased to do some good in my little community of Mets fans and baseball card collectors.