
Nashville Skyline Nights

There are times when I find myself completely in tune with one set of thoughts.  The past couple weeks I have idling on an inner peace that is best described by the feeling of Bob Dylan’s Nashville Skyline.  His easily flowing chords and finger picking, turns in key to the minor and back to the major, all with a slight twang.  That is where I’ve been at.

I’ve been working on more power line pieces.  I think that the goal of these pieces will be to hang them interspersed with some jelly fish and phone booth pieces.  I will share that sketch sometime soon when I have a clearer idea of what it means and what I intend for it to do.

Here is the newest power line piece.

I am also attempting to put together a few small pieces for one of the galleries that I’ve worked in the past.  These pieces are very quick and more or less used as a method to get my juices flowing again, to find that passion and exuberance.  A friend of mine recently lent me a Philip Guston article where he describes his process of elation in a painting followed by despair the next morning.  It revolves around the elation of attempting to describe something in paint.  It sounds right on.  Here is one of those small pieces.

Have a good day peeps.  Enjoy the sun because it goes away for a couple months soon.


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