
Living Fast.

I have been working two jobs.  It isn’t a lot of hours, but two days a week I’ve been working all day and then a shift most days of the week at one or the other.  I’ve been feeling a little depressed, wondering how I will get the money together for the college loans from graduate school that I have to start paying next month.  I’ve also been making a bunch of work that I’m really pleased with.  Unfortunately the work has been for last minute shows and I feel claustrophobic.  Last night I had a dream that I was stuck in the corner of a large school and that I couldn’t get out because there were too many people and I couldn’t stand it.  So this weekend, I’m going to leave for a bit.  I need a break.  The trip to New York was awesome, but far too quick to count as a break.

Here’s a bit of what I’ve been working on though, if you’re interested.

This is the newest piece that I’ve put together in the power line series.  I really am getting into it.  This imagery is really pretty interesting to me right now, but even more so I am into the way that this piece was put together.  I also wrote what is perhaps my most concise artist’s statement to date about it.

     “I am concerned with lines of power; the method in which information and resources are passed between urban and rural areas as well as between classes and from governing bodies to society. In that sense I think of this body of work as a metaphor for more complex systems of interactivity.
      However, as I pass through this world looking to the sky where this perfect composition of power lines constantly frames my upward view, I recall being a child and counting telephone poles in the back seat of my father’s car. In this mindset, the overwhelming simplicity of life strikes me. I tell myself to calm down. I tell myself to keep counting telephone poles.”

I also put together a bunch of small animal pieces for Artstream studios.  The opening is this Saturday.  I will be at a wedding in Connecticut and unable to make it, however, my friend Susan will be there and her new work is excellent.  The opening is from 5-7 in Rochester, NH.  Be there or be square.

 It’s been some pretty exciting work, but I need to stop for a weekend.  I need to regroup.  Hope you dig the work though.


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